Pool Information
Announcement about the new Key Card System
We have started our second season with the new key card system. It has proven to be such an improvement over the old, key-in-lock method, with the old-style mechanical key.
A pool key card is $25. There is an annual pool use fee of $25. Each home in our HOA can have a total of TWO key cards. If you choose to have a second key card, the cost is an additional $25. The only recurring cost is the annual pool use fee of $25.
Please do not share these key cards with people outside our HOA. If it is learned that has happened, your key card will be turned off remotely, using our app, which will disable it, and it will be invalid for use.
The new system is providing a much more secure pool area. People who no longer live in our neighborhood cannot come back to use their keys to swim in our pool, nor can they give their old keys to someone else to use. With our new system, when people move away, and don’t turn in their cards, their key is simply turned off and is not usable.
If you do not have a key card, call our property manager, Dawn Smith, with East Texas Community Management at 903-705-4777. Her email address is etexhoa@outlook.com. Contact her either way and arrange a time to get your key card.
Hours and Admission
Our community pool is located at 3518 Woods Blvd and can be used by any member in good standing within the Woods Garden Club HOA.
The pool opened for the new season on May 1st and will close October 27th. It is open daily from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. This daily closing time has been set as a courtesy to the neighbors who live near the pool, and to ensure the area is clean and ready for the next day. The Tyler Police will regard anyone inside the pool enclosure outside of the posted hours as trespassers, subject to arrest and prosecution.
Entrance to the pool
area requires a special pool key, subject to the rules shown below. If you lose your key, please contact the Property Manager to
obtain a replacement. All residents must abide by the posted pool and pavilion rules and regulations, or risk losing the privilege
to use these facilities. Pool rules and regulations are mandated by Texas State Laws and ordinances.
The closing date in the fall usually comes at the end of October. Once that date is determined, it is posted on this website, as well as on our Facebook group pages. (These include The Woods Garden Club HOA Group, as well as The Woods Garden Club Community Pool Group.)
- Membership will consist of current Woods Garden Club members in good standing and family members only.
- No more that 4 guests per member. All exceptions must be pre-approved by the Property Manager and a member of the Board of Directors.
- If you would like to host a pool party, please see the Pool Party Policy below.
- Any approved guest(s) are subject to the General Rules of Conduct and their actions and behavior are the sole responsibility of the member.
Pool Keys
- Gate key required for entrance into pool area.
- A maximum of TWO (2) key cards are allowed per property address. A second key card is available for purchase for $25.
- Keys may be obtained from our Property Manager, East Texas Community Management, by calling 903-705-4777.
- The initial rate for pool keys is $50 which includes a $25 Deposit Fee plus a $25 User Fee.
- The $25 User Fee is an annual fee. If you have a pool key, the User Fee will be billed with annual dues.
- Property owners requesting a replacement key for a lost key must pay the $25 Deposit Fee and the $25 User Fee.
- Upon sale of your property, the pool key MUST BE RETURNED. This can be done at the title company at closing or can be returned to the HOA by contacting East Texas Community Management at 903-705-4777.
- Questions or concerns regarding pool keys should be directed to the Property Manager at 903-705-4777.
Pool Party Policy
- Reservations for a pool party must be made with our Property Manager, East Texas Community Management.
- Any pool parties shall be limited to a maxiumum of twenty (20) people.
- All parties are limited to a 2 ½ hour timeframe.
- Only one party can be scheduled at a time.
- A $25 refundable party fee is required to schedule the party.
- At least one (1) adult chaperone must be present for every five (5) children or teenagers under the age of 18.
- The homeowner reserving the party is responsible for clean-up of the party area and removing all party trash.
- The official WGC Pool Party Policy and Application Form can be found here.
- Questions or concerns regarding pool parties should be directed to the Property Manager at 903-705-4777.
- The Woods Garden Club pool is a Swim At Your Own Risk pool! No lifeguard on duty! The Woods Garden Club is not responsible for accident or personal injury.
- No one under 12 years old without an adult.
- Parents should accompany their children and guests to the pool and ensure that they are aware of and comply with all pool rules and regulations.
- Pool safety equipment is to be used for emergency situations only.
- A 911 emergency phone is located just outside the pool pavilion.
General Rules of Conduct
- Gate must be kept locked at all times.
- Swimmers must shower before entering pool.
- No running, pushing or horseplay that may be dangerous to the individual or others.
- No diving in the pool.
- Non-swimmers must stay in shallow water.
- Adult supervision required for all non-swimmers and children under 12 years old.
- Non-potty trained children must wear plastic, watertight pants. Please alert the pool manager or property manager if accidents occur.
- No glass containers are allowed in the pool area.
- No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the pool area.
- Floating devices will be permitted in the pool unless the pool is crowded or if the device is too large.
- Radios shall be maintained at a level of volume which does not disturb others.
- No pets allowed.
- No skateboards, roller blades, bicycles etc. are permitted in the pool enclosure.
- All bicycles must be kept outside the pool enclosure and kept away from the entrance.
- Residents are asked to clean up after themselves and guests (please take your trash with you or use the trashcans provided).
- No one is allowed in the pool enclosure before 9:00 AM or after 9:00 PM. Violators will be considered trespassers by the Tyler Police and will be subject to arrest and prosecution.
Wading Pool
- The wading pool is for use of children 5 years of age and under and must be supervised by an adult.
- Non-potty trained children must wear plastic, watertight pants when in either pool.
- Please alert the pool manager or property manager if accidents occur.
- Residents having scheduled parties during the pool season will have priority for no more than three tables during their party.
- Due to the limited amount of furniture, please share the furniture as much as possible. Adults will have priority with regard to the furniture.
Misconduct of Members
- Disregarding safety rules and regulations.
- Fighting (physical or verbal).
- Abuse of pool, equipment or property.
- Entering the pool complex during unauthorized times.
- Allowing unauthorized individuals to enter the pool complex.
- Entering the pool complex in any manner other than through the entry gate with a key.
- Violation of any of the above general pool rules, general rules and conduct, or prohibitions.
Results of Misconduct
The Tyler Police will be alerted when violators of pool rules and regulations refuse to comply.
- First warning: Property Manager issues written warning.
- Second warning: Member will be banned from the pool complex for a specified period of time as determined by the Board of Directors.
- Third warning: Pool complex privileges for member will be revoked for one year.